A pair of Adelie penguins before going for a ‘feed dip’ Adelie penguins can only survive in a sea ice environment Miniature cameras attached to a penguin's head have given Japanese scientists ...
A penguin’s cute exterior is equally matched to its friendly disposition. As a species, penguins are rarely aggressive and lean more curious. Around humans, a penguin can be observant ...
The Adélie is the littlest, and also the most widespread, species of penguin in the Antarctic. They might look a bit clumsy on land, but penguins are brilliant swimmers. They can dive down to 180m – ...
We’re working with French polar scientists at Dumont D’Urville Station in east Antarctica to monitor the lives of Adélie penguins. Climate change is complex. While disappearing sea ice poses a threat ...
It turns out Wellington can be too hot - at least for an Antarctic penguin. The scheduled release of an Adélie penguin on Wellington's south coast on Friday was abandoned when the penguin began ...