Why is there an ADHD diagnosis barrier in the Black community ... is] stigma both within the African-American community and then stereotypes about kids and adults of color from outside of the ...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is underdiagnosed in girls and women, research shows. The reasons are manifold, and include gender stereotypes and ...
As National Women’s History Month, March is all about honoring the women who advocated for gender equality in the U.S. and ...
Because they don’t fit outdated diagnostic stereotypes—such as the hyperactive ADHD boy who can’t sit still or the socially withdrawn autistic child who struggles to make friends.
However, despite their significant potential neurodiverse entrepreneurs often face considerable barriers with support systems ...
This week marks Neurodiversity Celebration Week, a global initiative dedicated to challenging stereotypes ... in comparison to those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, or dyspraxia.
We recognize our patients’ immense resiliency and celebrate their individual talents while working to dispel harmful and false stereotypes about ADHD.