Officials stressed the importance of fire safety during cold temperatures, when people are more likely to use space heaters.
Fifth Ward aldermanic candidate Wallace Goode has worn many hats, from Peace Corps volunteer to business developer to associate dean of students at the University of Chicago. Through it all, he has ...
In North Chicago, Mayor Leon Rockingham Jr. is seeking his sixth term and is running against Ald. Kenneth Smith, 5th Ward, for the Democratic nomination. The winner will face independents Ald.
Hobart’s Fifth Ward Councilman William Perryman was arrested ... TV personality says he joined immigration raids in Chicago for ‘transparency.’ 'You're Dr. Phil.' TV personality says he ...
Virgil Hobson, 57, and Christopher Williams, 49, both Democrats will appear on the ballot for Rockford's Fifth Ward. With three Democrats and no Republicans vying to represent southwest Rockford, the ...