If this position appears in your birth chart, it could reveal ... as “Root Star,” is the 19th of the 27 Nakshatras in ...
Moola is classified as Swaksha Nakshatra. Since the nakshatra is under Swaksha Nakshatra, the lost articles are difficult to trace and are difficult to get back also. They require greater efforts to ...
In astrology, a Nakshatra is a lunar mansion that divides the celestial sphere into 27 equal parts ... outcomes of this placement in your birth chart: This placement improves your ability to ...
Do you ever feel that life is always testing your patience, challenging you before rewarding you? If yes, then Saturn in Ardra Nakshatra may be casting its influence upon your fate. This combination ...
In astrology, a Nakshatra is a lunar mansion that divides the celestial sphere into 27 equal parts, each measuring 13°20 ... characteristics and outcomes of this placement in your birth chart: This ...